A bunch of thinkers on a journey to give form to the expression ‘out of the box’!
We began as a group of freelancers who had a passion for filmmaking, branding, video editing and illustrations that catered to specific human/ corporate needs through design. Today we’re an established firm, working across communications, brand design, customer experience, and customer relationships.
By working across disciplines, we help create new solutions at the intersections of design and technology, creativity and brand building.
We help clients find the next wave of growth and win the next generation of clients.
Meet The Thinkers

Akshay Kumar Gupta
He is also known as Mr. Alignment! His expertise in the field of Design and branding are unparalleled. Armed with a degree in Applied arts, he combines fonts and designs like infinity stones. He is a big foodie and an avid biker, in his spare time.
His love for chai is truly ’NAWABI’ a land where he actually hails from.
Abhishek Rawat
A lifestyle photographer with an experience in the field of stop motion shoots and creating product content.
An exceptional attention to detail, he has a work experience spanning 6+ years and during that he worked with brands like, Blue Tribe, Times prime, Glenlivet, Absolute etc. Be it taking pictures or idea-ting some out of the box impromptu ideas, he makes sure it goes as planned and adds ‘fun’ in the fundamentals of planning and execution.
He is Mr. Chill at Thinkinghatzzz!

Srinivas Ganesh
Being an ace illustrator is just one of his capabilities. With a dark geeky side, Srinivas (Sri for short) is famous for his Legos and how he brings graphics to life via his quirky animations via videos.
He loves doodling ideas, make caricatures of people around him, fitness, voice acting, act, and motorcycles!